Monthly Archive: March 2013

Introducing Slicerhub

Slicerhub is a framework to power server based (‘cloud!’) slicing of 3D models for 3D printing. There will be a publicly addressable RESTful API up and running at soon. The project is fully open source under the BSD license. Slicerhub allows much lower powered machines to have models sliced on a much more powerful machine over the web. Imagine...

My entry to the Makerbot Customizer contest – Parametric box generator

So a while ago I tried to help a friend design a case for some electronics. Essentially some electronics enclosures. Towards that effort I developed a library that allowed me to build a basic t-slot powered box like below. Well, I decided to clean up the library, throw it up onto thingiverse as a customizable object and push the code...

Adventures in printing vol 1

The best words a significant other can say are “Can you print me something that does X?”. This past weekend my spouse asked me that very question. She wanted to know if I could print her something that would help her organize cans in stacks in our pantry. A quick search on thingiverse revealed that no-one had tackled this particular...