Monthly Archive: January 2015

Move files and folders between git repos using patches

Some times you need to carve off code from one repo to another repo. As I build out a package I like to think about which parts might be useful elsewhere and sometimes I move them to their own repositories. This simplifies development and keeps a composable focus for my work. However, I do like preserving history and while I...

Machine Learning in Go

There are limited options for doing machine learning in the Go ecosystem. I’ve found a curated list here as a good starting point and it covers most of the main packages I’ve found through search. When looking for golang packages the best places to start are here and here. Currently, there are only two general purpose libraries (golearn and mlgo) and several algorithm specific ones. Of...

Software Development is a Garden

On my drives to and from work every day I sometimes puzzle over the why of it all. Recently, I have been doing a lot of reading around how to create an environment for success to be more likely. I chose those words carefully because I do not believe there is a perfect recipe for success because fundamentally the conditions that...